Shopping and Dining in Toyama


★Questions Regarding Restaurants and Local Foods

Q: Where do you recommend to eat sushi?


"Toyama Sushi Guide Map" created by the Toyama City Tourism Agency provides a detail information of 15 sushi restaurants around the central area of Toyama city. 

It also comes with a sushi-ordering guide, a terminology of sushi, and a seafood calendar. Please go to the link below for downloading the guide map for free!


Q: Where do you recommend to eat local cuisine of Toyama?


Asking Locals is always the best way to find a restaurant that serves a local cuisine of Toyama. However, if you would like to check out restaurants before you arrive at Toyama, we recommend you to visit these 2 websites below. You are always welcome to our information center to ask questions regarding restaurants and local foods.

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★Questions Regarding Shopping

Q: What gifts and souvenirs do you recommend?


The easiest way to know the good souvenirs and gifts of Toyama is asking locals like us, 

staff at Toyama Tourist Information Center. We always love to answer your questions 

regarding our specialties, souvenirs, and gifts! Please refer to the links below for exploring

Toyama's specialties.

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Q: Where can I buy gifts and souvenirs of Toyama?


There is a building called "Kitokito Ichiba TOYA-marché" is located in the east side of the station. It provides 30 of souvenirs and gift shops and 5 of restaurants that offer a variety of local foods. Please refer to the link for more information!


Q: Where are tax-free shops?


There are 158 tax-free shops in Toyama prefecture. Please go to the link below for a list of

the shops and a map.


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